Call for Proceedings
We are soliciting high-quality papers that will go through rigorous peer-review. Accepted papers will be presented at HiTSeq as either posters or talks, and will be published in a special proceedings section of the Bioinformatics journal. Papers requiring extensive revisions will be considered separately as regular papers for the Bioinformatics or Bioinformatics Advances journals and as abstracts for HiTSeq. All manuscripts should be submitted via the ISMB 2024 Proceedings submission system. During submission please select the general subject of your submissions, and then make sure to specify HiTSeq as the COSI of your submission, to ensure your manuscript is assigned to our track. Please follow the submissions guidelines and process as for the rest of the ISMB Proceedings Submissions.Call for Abstracts
We are soliciting high-quality unpublished abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be presented at HiTSeq as either posters or talks. All abstracts should be submitted via the ISMB 2024 Abstracts submission system. Please make sure to select HiTSeq as track to ensure your manuscript is assigned to our track. Please submit your abstracts as 1-2 page PDF files, with font size 11, and reasonable margins.
You can submit either:
- Unpublished work: Short talk and/or poster abstracts. 1-2 page PDF, with font size 11, and reasonable margins.
- Published work for the Highlights Track: Full published paper with a cover letter stating why your work should be highlighted at HiTSeq.
HiTSeq late abstracts will be evaluated for selection as posters only. The abstracts should target topics of immediate relevance in the field. To be considered for an oral presentation the material should not have been previously published in any journal or proceedings.
Abstracts should be divided in "Background", "Results", and "Conclusions" sections, and can extend to up to 2 pages in order to permit proper review and assignment to poster or talks. Unless the authors specify that the submission is for poster presentation only, all abstracts will be considered for oral presentations as well. The final decisions whether each paper or abstract is presented as a talk or a poster will be made and communicated to authors as per the conference schedule. Authors of abstracts selected for oral presentations should confirm their intent to attend the conference and present their work promptly, else their slot will be allocated to other abstract. All proceedings paper submissions will be automatically considered for abstracts irrespective of the outcome of the full paper review.
Please make sure to select HiTSeq as the relevant track.